速報APP / 購物 / Shopping List Simple Smart

Shopping List Simple Smart





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Shopping List Simple Smart(圖1)-速報App

Try it now, Shopping List is free Very lightweight and is the easiest way to organize your lists.

Use it Always as a shopping list in a simple way, without complex functions.

Functions :

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖2)-速報App

Click the + button at the top to add a List. Long Click to edit/remove the list.

You can create multiple lists, for example: for various stores or different things to do or different reminders..

After creating the list click on it, then click on + to add items to the list.

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖3)-速報App

By typing the first characters the suggestions will appear.

 Save time using the suggestions that appear

 More than 500 very frequent products are already included.

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖4)-速報App

Suggestions are customized

long click on the item to edit / remove it.

select / deselect the list items to mark them as bought / to buy..

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖5)-速報App

You can also add quantity and price.

Manage suggestions and delete those you do not need

Add/Edit the list items directly when you use them, so they will remain available to you.

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖6)-速報App

All products entered after will be available in the suggestions.

If you delete the default items by mistake, you can restore the default items from the menu.

Use also the app as a to-do list, check list, reminder.

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖7)-速報App

Any situation where you do not have a pen and paper for a list.

So, simple..

Rate the app and support the development.

Shopping List Simple Smart(圖8)-速報App